Sunday, 17 October 2010

The editing process

After Holly and I had filmed all of our footage we had to edit it all together. It started very slowly and it was a very tedious task. Whilst putting all of the footage together Holly and I decided that a few of the shots we had originally planned to be in our preliminary task weren't quite up to scratch and so we cut them out. We didn't use any effects and all of our edits are simply straight cuts. We did this as we felt it was simple yet effective. We met many problems whilst putting our shots together and so this has made me feel quite unhappy with the end product. In only one of our shots Kim is wearing a jacket and so it looks very odd. We could've cut this shot out completely however we left it in because we felt it was quite an important and necessary shot which established that Kim was going into a room and it made the shots flow slightly better. Also, because we had to share our location unfortunately in a few of our shots we had the other group in the background which Holly and I didn't notice whilst filming so we removed these shots from our preliminary task completely. Despite all of these problems we still did manage to have a few successes. Our
match-on-action shot went surprisingly well and didn't take us very long to edit together. I think that it has been edited quite well as the shots flow nicely and the cuts are sharp but almost un-noticed. 

After we had edited the visuals we needed to put in our sound. I spent ages editing snippets of sound together and listening to it over and over again to make sure it was right but it just didn't seem to work no matter what I did. I just felt that the music went from slow to fast far too quickly and so i made the transition longer. However by doing this the music lasted too long and i couldn't cut it where i wanted for the speaking to be heard. So, i asked Alex to listen to it so he could give me his opinion. He agreed. The tempo of the music was far too quick and upbeat for the story and the length of shots. In the end I decided to have another look on Garageband and found some newer, slower, and some what cheesier music to edit in. Although the track I used in the end does make our preliminary task slightly cheesier i think that it fits with the shot speeds and the overall narrative a lot better and so overall i think it makes our preliminary task a lot better. 

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